Summary of Changes by Platform:
[Airline Choice Core]
Refactor Flight to Flight Segment (Database Change for Multi Segment):
- Backend database changes preparing Airline Choice for Multi Segment release (no user or UI changes with this change).
Designate Carry On Allowance on Boarding Screen:
- Boarding screen will now display a "CARRY ON" message along with an icon indicator. This will present when a passenger has a carry on type bag added to their record, or an SSR that is associated with Carry On Allowance.
Charges Screen Enhancement:
- The UI has been enhanced on the Charges Tab to separate out waived charges from paid transactions.
View Flight Exceptions Report in Flight Schedule:
- Flight Exceptions reports are now available via the flight schedule screen. To view, add the column "Alerts" via the column chooser. If flight exceptions are generated, they will be displayed via an alert icon. The report can be accessed by clicking the icon.
Reservation Remarks:
- This option was added to receive and parse reservations remarks from Intelisys in Airline Choice. It includes a return remark for the agent to respond to during the time of check-in. Please note that the remarks imported form the reservation system are "read-only".
- In addition, we have added the Res. Remarks field in the Column Chooser so it can be added to the passenger check-in screen:
Restrict Seat Assignment Update on ADL Prior to Flight Departure:
- A setting was added that restricts seat changes from ADL from a set specified time. This blocks ADL from overwriting original seats with seats that were purchased during web check. Please note that this setting MUST be requested via the help desk as it is managed via our backend portal.
Carrier Setting to not apply baggage charges for "Gate Check" bags:
- This setting was added to not apply baggage charges for bags that have the "Gate Check" indicator marked on the baggage record. Please note that this carrier setting MUST be requested via the help desk as it is managed via our backend portal.
User Permission for Viewing Flight Check-In:
- A new User Permission setting was added which allows user to access the flight check-in screen. Without access from this permission, the user will not be able to open any flight for check-in. Please note that this will be added as default to all current users.
Bag Tracking Errors in Flight Exception Reports:
The bag tracking error & alerts message functionality was added to the Flight Exception Report. The following errors are stored in the Exceptions Report:
BagUnloadedAtWrongAirport | Critical | Validates if a bag tag was scanned for 'Unloading' activity at an airport that is different than bag's destination |
BagNotFound | Critical | Validates if a bag for scanned bag tag was found in the database |
InvalidBarcodeFormat | High | Validates if a scanned barcode format was for a valid bag tag |
MaximumWeightExceeded | High | Validates if maximum aircraft compartment weight will be exceeded if a scanned bag was loaded into it |
MaximumBagCountExceeded | High | Validates if maximum planned bag count for aircraft compartment will be exceeded if a scanned bag was loaded into it |
InactiveBag | High | Validates if a bag tag was scanned for inactive or deleted bag |
BagContainerNotFound | High | Validates if a bag tag was scanned for 'Sortation' activity for an unknown cart/container |
ZeroWeightBag | Medium | Validates if a bag weight for scanned bag tag is 0 |
InvalidActivity | Medium | Validates if a bag tag was scanned for invalid workflow activity (i.e. moving 'Loaded' or 'Offloaded' bag to 'Sortation' |
BagAlreadyScannedAtLocation | Medium | Validates if a bag tag was scanned again for the same Activity, Location / Sub-Location |
BagAlreadyScannedForActivity | Medium | Validates if a bag tag was scanned for the same Activity in which it's currently in |
BagContainerPriority | Medium | Validates if a bag tag for non-priority bag was scanned to be sorted into a priority cart/container |
BagContainerNonPriority | Medium | Validates if a bag tag for priority bag was scanned to be sorted into a non-priority cart/container |
BagContainerClosed | Medium | Validates if a bag tag was scanned for 'Sortation' activity for a cart/container that was marked as 'Closed' |
Create .CSV Parser for AEV Submissions:
- Functionality was added to process .CSV files for AEV submissions for the carriers that prefer this format instead of the .XLXS template.
Disable "Cash" as Payment Option in Ancillaries by Country:
- The possibility to remove/block the option of collecting payments in "CASH" based on the departure country was added. Please note that this setting MUST be requested via the help desk as it is managed via our backend portal.
[Mobile App]
Redesigned Passenger Record:
- The passenger record has been redesigned to more easily identify relevant information via expandable/collapsable sections designating areas with required information missing or the presence of SSRs, remarks, etc.
Added Ability to Add/Manage Bags:
- Baggage functionality has been added into the mobile app, allowing users to add, manage or remove bags.
Enhanced Boarding via Camera:
- The underlying technology used to enable boarding by camera scan of barcode has been changed. The new platform is significantly more accurate and reliable. Camera license has been enabled by default for all mobile users and is no longer a paid option. Additionally, a setting has been made to allow for a user to specify wait time between scan confirmation and switching back to the camera for scanning.
Auto-seating on Mobile:
- For carriers that utilize auto-seating algorithms, passengers will now be auto-assigned a seat when opening the passenger record. All seating logic will follow the same rules as when operating in core.
Flight Remarks:
- The ability to enter and view Flight Remarks was added to the iOS app. This is designated by the charm next to the flight number that will display how many remarks are present. Clicking the charm will open the remarks for the flight.
Workflow Step Display in Dashboard Flight Tile:
- The current Workflow Step a flight is in is displayed on the flight tile
[Baggage Reconciliation]
Password Expired vs Invalid Credentials:
- A display message to the BRS app was added to differentiate when the password has expired vs when invalid credentials were entered.
[Bug Fixes]
Manual Boarding on iOS:
- A bug was fixed that prevented manual boarding from being done on iOS app.
Windows Print Form Bag Tag Codes:
- A bug was fixed that caused the routing three-letter codes to print as two- letter codes.
Ancillary Reports Transactions Duplicating:
- A bug was fixed that would duplicate transactions in ancillary transaction reports in certain circumstances.
Boarding Pass Camera on iOS:
- A bug was fixed that prevented the camera from scanning barcodes on boarding passes while on the boarding screen on certain devices
Bag Tracing Lookup Filters:
- A bug was fixed in Airline Choice's Baggage Reconciliation Module that prevented flight date and number from being filtered out from currently open flight data.
Global Bag Lookup Error Message:
- A bug was fixed that resulted in an error message when a bag number is found in multiple flights when using the Global Search Tool in Airline Choice.
Gate Pass Kiosk Freeze after 24hrs:
- A bug was fixed that caused the kiosk screen to freeze.
2022.5 Platform Change Log
Feature ID | Name |
AC-5348 | Integrate Crew Data from iFliteLite API |
AC-5366 | SSBD Web APIs |
AC-5389 | Print DOB on Gate Pass |
AC-5350 | Fully waived payment disappears from UI |
AC-5384 | Collins Biometric (1 Step) |
AC-5398 | Update Master Crew Member and Delete Master Crew Member API Updates |
AC-5425 | Fix manual boarding for iOS mobile app. |
AC-3342 | Refactor Flight to for Multi Segment |
AC-5346 | Intelisys Phase 2 API Integration |
AC-5399 | Create .CSV Parser for AEV Submissions |
AC-5406 | Filter Bug on Bag Tracking Lookup |
AC-5407 | Global Bag Lookup Bug |
AC-5199 | Booking Number in Airline Choice Passenger Template |
AC-5428 | Flight Remarks |
AC-5203 | Boarding Pass Camera Not Working |
AC-5401 | Block Cash Option by Country in Ancillaries |
AC-5433 | Intelisys Ignore Cancelled Passengers on Import |
AC-5402 | Implement Regula SDK on Mobile |
AC-5392 | Ancillary Transactions Report Duplicating Transactions |
AC-2014 | Add Special Message on Boarding Display for Carry On Allowance |
AC-5405 | Create carrier setting to not apply baggage charges if Gate Check Indicator is ticked on a bag record |
AC-5410 | User Permission for Viewing Flight Check-In |
AC-5409 | Store Bag Tracking Errors on Flight Exceptions Report |
AC-5403 | Import Flight Schedule Cancelled Flights Optimization |
AC-5427 | Reservation Remarks |
AC-5359 | Password Expired Alert vs Invalid Credentials |
AC-5420 | Add Workflow Step to Dashboard |
AC-5429 | Restrict Seat Assignment Update via ADL within Specified Time prior to Flight Departure |
AC-5430 | Windows Print Form BTs Not Printing Full 3 Letter IATA Code |